List of Free Web Hosting Services By E V I L

      Viewing in alphabetical order -
20 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Selected CGI scripts; choice of domain name. Free email. Very detailed and helpful info available before signing up.
100 Megs Free -
100 Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad on each page; user ads are permitted. Browser or FTP uploads. Template based editor. Available scripts include form mail, message board, and guest book. URL: '' -
40 Mb, with unlimited bandwidth; multiple accounts are permitted. Banner ad on each page; user ads are permitted. FTP uploads. Multiple directories allowed. Selected CGI scripts available. URL: ''. -
50 Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Available scripts include guest book, message board, and search engine tools. URL: ''.
1BigParty -
10 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. URL: ''. -
20 Mb. Banner ad on each page. FTP uploads. Free e-mail and instant messaging available. Available CGI scripts include counter, and guestbook. URL: ''. -
20 Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad on each page; user ads are allowed. FTP or browser uploads. CGI scripts include guestbook and message board. URL: ''. -
50 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Full FTP access. Unlimited web-based e-mail. URL: ''. -
20 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser or FTP uploads. Some CGI scripts available. URL: '' -
10 Mb; Browser uploads. Online editor with templates for many themes and occasions; free email. -
10 Mb; multiple accounts permitted. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Available scripts include message board, and guestbook. URL: '' -
50 Mb; A banner ad on top of each page is required. Upload via browser or e-mail. URL: ''.
Angelcities -
64 Mb. No ads. Browser uploads. Preloaded CGI scripts: guestbook, message board, and form-mail. URL: ''.
Angelfire -
5-30 Mb. Choice of pop-up or on-page ads. FTP or Browser uploads. Free web-based e-mail. URL: 'http://www.angelfire/dir/yoursite/'.
Anzwers -
Unlimited space and bandwidth. Banner ad each page. Browser uploads. Commercial, personal and adult sites are hosted. URL: ''.
Atmosphere -
Unlimited space. Browser uploads. URL: ''. -
999+ Mb. No forced ads. Browser or FTP uploads. Full CGI-BIN access with support for SSI, ASP, and PHP. URL: ''.
BigAssWeb -
Basic and advanced page editors, file manager. URL: ''. -
Unlimited traffic and space, popup ads, browser upload. -
5 Mb. Popup ad on each page. Browser uploads. Free e-mail. URL: ''.
Codename -
10 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Free e-mail forwarding. CGI scripts include guestbook. URL: ''. -
20+ Mb. Adframe at top of each page. Browser or FTP uploads. Unlimited POP3 e-mail accounts with 6 Mb storage and unlimited aliases. Daily backups. Full CGI access with support for Java, Servlets, PERL, JSP, WAP, MySQL, Oracle8i, Real Audio and Video, and Macromedia Shockwave. Sample URL: '' or ''. -
10 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. -
999+ Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Free unlimited web-based e-mail. URL: ''. -
25 Mb. No forced ads. FTP uploads. URL: ''.
CyberSoup -
15Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. URL: ''. -
1 Mb (More for a fee). Button link to host; Browser uploads. Bulletin board and forum. URL: ''.
Delphi -
Limited homepage websites associated with forums. Simple, easy-to-use-editor for page creation.
DenCity -
25 Mb. Banner ad and host link on each page. Browser or FTP uploads. CGI scripts include message board, form mail, sendmail and mailto. Support forum and HTML library available. URL: ''. -
10 Mb. Popup ad on each page. Browser or FTP uploads. Provides some CGI scripts and supports MS Front Page extensions. (Page may not be viewable with Netscape). URL: ''. -
20 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Full FTP access. Unlimited email. 24/7 technical support. Selected CGI scripts available. URL: ''. Free domain parking and hosting also available. -
100 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Full FTP access. URL: ''.
Dream-Worx Hosting -
10 Mb. Banner ad on first two pages. Browser uploads. Free e-mail. MS Frontpage support. URL: ''.
Dreamwater -
50+ Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Free web-based e-mail. Available CGI scripts: chat board, form mail, and guestbook. URL: '' or ''. -
25 to 100 Mb; Banner ad at top of user pages. E-Mail uploads. CGI scripts include: guestbook, and message board. URL: ''.
Easypages -
50 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Site creation and management tools available. Selected CGI scripts available. URL: ' '. (Hosts adult, personal and business sites.)
EasySpace -
25 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Full FTP access. Free web-based e-mail. Support for FrontPage 2000, and SSI. URL: ''. -
.5 Mb. No forced ads. Browser uploads. Vanity URLs; sample: ''.
Eccentrix -
15 Mb. No forced ads. FTP uploads. CGI script: guestbook; support for MS FrontPage extensions. URL: '' -
5-15 Mb with an OC-3 fiber network connection. Small (88x31) banner ad on each page. Select CGI scripts and support for Perl, PHP3, TCL, Python, JavaScript, and SSI aere available. URL: ''. -
20 Mb. Banner ad on each page. FTP uploads. Free web-based e-mail. URL: ''.
Escalix -
6 Mb on a T3 connection. Banner ad at top and bottom of each page. CGI scripts: guestbook, and message board. 24/7 e-mail support. URL ''
Esuburbs -
25 Mb, unlimited bandwidth and no ads. -
25 Mb. Banner ad on each page. FTP uploads. Free e-mail. Available CGI scripts include: guestbbook, web board, and form-mail. URL: ''. -
999+ Mb. with unlimited traffic. Banner ad on each page. Full FTP access. Free web-based e-mail account, web building tools and traffic reports. CGI scripts include guest book. URL: ''.
Fortune City -
100 Mb. Banner ad at top of each page. Browser or FTP uploads. Selected CGI scripts are available. (Service is also available from URL: ''.
Free Web Space Inc. -
20 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Full FTP access. Free unlimited e-mail. CGI scripts include counter, guestbook, instant messaging, and form mail. URL: ''. -
20 Mb. Banner ad on each page. FTP or browser uploads. Free web-based e-mail and messaging service. Pre-configered CGI scripts. URL: '' -
20 Mb with unlimited traffic. No forced ads. FTP uploads. Virus-protected IMAP4 and POP3 e-mail accounts with 20 Mb storage and unlimited traffic. Full CGI-BIN access with Perl and PHP3 scripting, database access, Webalizer website statistics, website search engine and MS Frontpage 98 support. Sample URL: ''. -
20 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Full FTP access. Free unlimited e-mail. CGI scripts include counter, guestbook, and form mail. URL: 'http://yoursite/'. -
0.5 Mb (8 pages, max); Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Basic online editor. Primary emphasis is chat.
FreeWebFile -
50 Mb. Banner ad on each page; user ads are permitted. Browser uploads. URL: ''. -
50 Mb with unlimited bandwidth. FTP uploads. Unlimited e-mail aliases. No file-size limits. A variety of CGI scripts are available, with support for SSI. URL: 'yourname.{choice of 8 URLs}.com/'. -
12 Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad on each page. FTP uploads. Available CGI scripts include formmail, and e-mail ordering. URL: 'http://www/'. -
20 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Unlimited e-mail. CGI scripts include counter, guestbook, and form mail. URL: ''. -
30 Mb with unlimited bandwidth; multiple accounts permitted. Banner ads at top and bottom of each page; user ads are permitted. Full FTP account for uploads and site management. Free e-mail. URL: ''.
Geocities -
15 Mb. Banner or popup ads on each page. Browser or FTP uploads. On-line editor. CGI scripts include site counter, and guestbook. URL: ''. -
15 Mb. Popup on each page; user ads are permitted. Browser uploads. CGI scripts include message board. URL: ''. -
5 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Preloaded scripys include guestbook, and message forum. URL: '' -
60 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser or FTP uploads. Free web-based e-mail and e-mail reader. CGI scripts include forum, and guestbook. URL: ''.
go2click -
20 Mb. Banner ad at top of each page. FTP uploads. Unlimited e-mail. Free guestbook, and counter. URL: '' -
1 Mb with 10-page limit. Banner ad at bottom of each page. Browser uploads. Available scripts: guestbook, form-mail, and hit-counter. Template-based editor with free graphics. URL: ''. -
20 Mb website plus 10 Mb e-mail; Button link required. FTP uploads. Full CGI-BIN support, chat, message boards and mailing lists. URL: ''. -
10 Mb. No banner ads. Full FTP access. Multiple POP3 accounts. Full CGI access with MS FrontPage support. URL: ''.
Guidesmart -
12 Mb. Banner ad on each page; no user ads are permitted. Browser uploads. Sites must be built with the 'PageBuilder' online editor. Sites can be deleted only by host. -
100 Mb. Banner ad at top of each page. FTP uploads. Free web-based e-mail. Available scripts include guestbook and site statistics. URL: ''. -
12Mb; Banner at bottom of each page. Browser uploads. URL: '' -
100 Mb; multiple accounts ok. No ads except host buttons at bottom of page. Browser or FTP uploads. Free e-mail. Available scripts include: counter, guestbook, calendar, and message board. URL: ''. - - 15 Mb with 100 Mb/month bandwave limit. No banner or popup advertising. Full FTP access. Free multiple e-mail forwarding. Remote back-up every 24 hours. Full CGI access. URL: ''. Free domain hosting also available with support for all domain names. -
25 Mb. No forced ads. Browser uploads. URL: '' -
20 Mb. Popup or banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Free web-based e-mail. Free 24/7 tech support. CGI with support for SSI and SSL. Also offer free domain hosting. URL: ''. -
10 Mb, secure server access available; Popup ad on each page. Browser uploads. Full CGI support with unlimited third-level domains. Shopping cart available. Sample URL: ''. -
Unspecified space. Button link at bottom of each page. URL: "http:/yoursite/'. -
50 Mb. Banner required on each page; user ads permitted. FTP uploads. Full CGI-BIN access; preloaded scripts include counter, guestbook, message board, and form mail. URL: ''.
IntelCities -
3 Mb. No forced ads. Browser uploads. Virtual chatroom, extensive graphics, online editor. Special areas for kids and teens. URL: ''. -
25 Mb. Multiple sites per account are permited. Banner or popup required on each page; user ads are permitted. FTP uploads. Free POP3 e-mail account. CGI access with support for SSI. URL: ''. -
20 Mb. No forced ads; no user ads permitted. Browser uploads. Web e-mail. CGI scripts include: guestbook, form mail, and message board. Subdomains are available for a small onetime fee and provide an additional 30 Mb space as well as full CGI and FTP access. URL: normal: '' or subdomain: ''. -
20 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser or FTP uploads. Free e-mail account. URL: ''. -
10 Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad and link required on main page; no user ads permitted. FTP uploads. Free POP3 e-mail account with unlimited aliases and auto-mail responder. Full CGI-BIN access with SSI support. Choice of URLs; example: ''. -
15 Mb. Advertising required on user pages. FTP uploads. Free e-mail account. Full CGI access with SSI and support for PHP scripting and mySQL database integration. URL: ''. -
11 Mb. Ad frame or banner on each page. Browser uploads. Password-protected pages available. URL: ''.
JoinMe -
5 Mb of web space. Web based editor, guest books and bulletin boards. -
40 Mb with unlimited bandwidth on OC-192 line. Banner ad at top of each page. Browser uploads. CGI scripts include guestbook, and message board. Low traffic sites are permitted. URL: ''. -
100 Mb. Banner ad on each page. FTP access. A new off-beat web-hosting portal. URL: '' -
10 Mb. Banner required on each page; no user ads are permitted. Browser and FTP uploads. CGI access; preloaded scripts inclusw guestbook, and form mail. URL: ''.
Megspace -
50 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Links to free webmaster tools and resources. Available CGI scripts include form-mail, guestbook, and message board. URL: ''. -
2 Mb with unlimited traffic. Popup ads on each page; user ads are permitted. FTP uploads. Full CGI access with support for Perl, PHP3 and Java servlets. URL: 'http://www.mycgiserver/~username/'. -
5 Mb. Accounts may have multiple sites. Banner ad required on each page; user ads are permitted. Browser uploads. CGI access with SSI support; preloaded scripts include counter, guestbook, and form mail. URL: ''.
MyNetCentral -
25 Mb. No forced ads. Browser uploads. Free web-based e-mail. -
999+ Mb. Banner ad on each page; no user ads. Full FTP access. Free web-based e-mail. Passworded directories not permitted. Off-site CGI scripts permitted. URL: 'http://yoursite/'. -
10 Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Free clipart. Some CGI scripts available. URL: ''. -
2 Mb. Banner ad on each page; user ads permitted. Browser uploads. CGI scripts include: guestbook, and message board; remotely hosted scripts are permitted. URL: ''.
NepalZero -
999+ Mb on fast servers. Banner ad on each page. FTP or browser uploads. Control panel and site development tools. URL: ''. -
100 Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad required on each page; user ads are permitted. Browser uploads. File manager and template-based editor are available. CGI scripts include: counter, guestbook, message board, and form mail. Extras include tutorials on HTML, site promotion, Java, and graphics. URL: ''.
Netjack -
25 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. URL: ''.
Netomia -
60 Mb. Banner ad at top of each page; user ads are permitted. Browser uploads. Available CGI Scripts: counter, form-mail and guestbook. URL: ' '
Netscape Site Central -
11 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser or FTP uploads. URL: '' -
25 Mb. Banner ad each page. FTP or browser uploads. Free POP3 or web-based e-mail account. URL: ''. -
15 Mb with 100 Mb/month bandwidth. No forced ads. Private FTP account for uploads and management. Free web-based e-mail account. CGI-BIN access with support for mySQL database access, PHP scripts, and SSI (server side includes). URL: ''. -
(On A Mission) 2-5 Mb. Banner ad required on each page; user ads are permitted. Browser uploads. CGI scripts include: form mail, guestbook, and message board. URL: ''. -
12 Mb on a T3 line. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Free 24/7 support forum. Available CGI scripts: guestbook, and message board. URL: ''. -
10 Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad required on each page; user ads permitted. Browser uploads. URL: ''. -
10 Mb with 1 Gb/month bandwidth. Banner ad on each page. FTP uploads. One Free POP e-mail account; with one auto-responder. SSi support. Fee-based programs are available. URL: ''. -
15 Mb with 100 Mb/month bandwidth limit. No forced ads. Full FTP access. Full CGI-BIN access with preloaded counter and form scripts. Support for all domanin names, (including .nu, .cx, .to, and .cc). URL: choice of '' _or_ ''
Power Serve -
5 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Available CGI scripts: page_counter, guestbook, and forum_page. URL: '' -
20 Mb. Banner ad at top of each page. FTP uploads. Unlimited e-mail. Free guestbook, and counter. URL: '' -
15 Mb; No forced ads or links; FTP uploads; free email. Full support for CGI/SSI. URL: '' OR ''. -
100 Mb. Popup ad on each page; no user ads permitted. Browser uploads. Free POP3 e-mail account. CGI scripts include: chat room, counter, form mail, guestbook, and message board. URL: 'http:\'. -
1 Mb w/unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad at top of page. Browser uploads. URL: ''. -
10 Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Free e-mail. URL: ''.
Site Central -
11 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser or FTP uploads. Free web-based e-mail. Free graphics. Various CGI scripts are available. URL: ''.
SiteGem -
2 Mb (up to 15 pages). Banner on each page. Browser uploads. Available scripts include hit counter. Vanity URLs, ie '' -
8 Mb with unlimited bandwidth; Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Selected CGI scripts available. URL: '' -
5 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Page builder with free graphics and templates. URL: ''
SpacePorts -
10+ Mb. Banner ad on each page, with shared revenue. FTP uploads. URL: ''. -
50 Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad on each page. Full FTP access. Two free POP3 e-mail accounts with unlimited usage. URL: '' or ''. Free domain hosting and other services also available. - -
3 Mb with unlimited traffic. Set-up fee required. Small ad on home page. FTP uploads. URL: ''
TalkCity -
12 Mb; Popup ad on each page. FTP uploads. Available CGI scripts includes live chat. URL: ''
The Cozy Cabin -
200 Kb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Free web-based e-mail. URL: ''.
The Express Page -
1 page plus 50 Mb. for personal photographs from a partner site. Multiple pages are allowed. Browser uploads. URL: ''. -
15 Mb with unlimited hits. Banner ad on each page. FTP uploads. Free unlimited e-mail aliases. Free use of design tools. Free use of anonymous proxy server script. Private CGI-BIN directory with support for PHP scripting, mySQL database access, and control of DNS records. Daily backups. Free Internet and SMS access for United Kingdom users. URL: ''. Free domain hosting also available. -
9 Mb. Popup ad on each page. Browser uploads. URL: 'http:\\'. -
15 Mb; Banner ad at bottom of each page. Browser uploads; no CGI.
Tony-Net -
20 Mb; No ads; Browser uploads, No CGI Low volume personal sites only. Other plans with more features require banner ads or fee payment. -
150 Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Browser uploads. File manager and editor. Available CGI scripts include guestbook, message board, form mail, and counter. URL: '' -
25 page limit. Banner ad on each page. No uploads: sites must be built with host-provided software. Free web-based e-mail account. URL: ''.
Tripod-UK -
12 Mb. Popup ads; user ads permitted. FTP uploads. Part of Lycos network. URL: '' -
50 Mb. Banner or popup ad on each page. FTP uploads. Free web-based e-mail account. CGI with support for Perl MS FrontPage.URL: ''. -
10 Mb. Banner ad on each page; no user ads. Browser uploads. CGI scripts include form mail, guestbook,and message board. URL: ''. -
(Underground on Line) 12 Mb. Banner ad required on each page; no user ads are permitted. Browser uploads. URL: ''. -
999+ Mb. Popup ad on each page; no user ads. Browser and FTP uploads. Free forums, chat, and newsletter. URL: ''.
Virtual Nine -
5 Mb on a unix server, Banner ad, each page.
Web Host Me -
20 Mb w/unlimited traffic. Popup or banner ad on each page; user ads permitted. Browser uploads. Support for MS-Access, FrontPage and ASP. Web based email. Selected CGI scripts available. Multiple subdomain aliases ok. URL: '' Free domain hosting also available. -
999+ Mb. Banner ad on each page. Full FTP access or browser uploads. CGI scripts include chat, counter, and guestbook. URL: ''.
WebMasterTools.Com -
10 Mb with unlimited traffic. Banner ad on homepage. FTP uploads. Two free POP3 email accounts and two e-mail forwarders. URL: ''.
WebProvider -
10 Mb. Popup ad on each page. Browser or FTP uploads. Full CGI-BIN with Perl and MS Frontpage support. URL: ''. -
30 Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner at top and bottom of each page; no user ads. FTP uploads. CGI with ASP, SSI, and ODBC database support. URL: 'http://www.websamba/yoursite/'.
Webspawner -
20 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Online editor and site management tools.
WhatTown -
20 Mb. Banner ad at top of each page. Web based site design, FTP and URL: ''.
WhoWhere -
5 Mb. Banner ad on each page; no user ads. Browser uploads. URL: ''. A service of Lycos. -
100+ Mb. Banner ad on each page. Full FTP access. Free unlimited e-mail accounts. Online site manager and tools. Available scripts include forum, and guestbook. URL: ''. -
20 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Full FTP access. Free unlimited e-mail addresses. Available CGI scripts include counters, form e-mailer, guestbook, and chatrooms. Free entertainment content available (requires Flash 4 and Shockwave 7). URL: 'http://yoursite/'. -
20MB free web hosting included with your free account.
Zy Graphics -
5Mb; On line editor and file-manager; 2-D and 3-D images. Fee programs are also available for individuals and businesses.